Sunday, May 19, 2013

Recent Event: At Last, An Artist In Space!

I was delighted to read about Karen Nyberg, a NASA Astronaut making plans to create a piece of art at the International Space Station. The work-of-art in question is quilting- the stitching craft involving use of decorative designs. Below is a quilt earlier made by Karen Nyberg.

"I enjoy sewing and quilting," she explained during a televised interview from Moscow. "I am bringing some fabric with me, and thread. I'm hoping to create something. I don't know what yet it will be — that's part of creativity. It comes with the feeling of the day. So I have the supplies at my hands to create, if I get the opportunity and the creative notion to do so."

Granted, this 'artist' is a fully trained Mechanical Engineer but I'm really looking forward to seeing the first work of art created in space. Best of luck to Ms. Nyberg! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Recent Events: Bi-focals, Ray Harryhausen and Colour Illustrations

I have not kept my promise to regularly update my blog this year. The year has been busy all over. First off, after about a year of denial, I had to give in and submit to eye checkup. Yes, yours truly is now required to don a pair of bi-focals 24/7. Felt weird at first but now I don't even think about it.
I was sad to hear about Ray Harryhausen's passing May 7th. His works really provided rare entertainment for me back when I didn't know who Harryhausen was. Jason and the Argonauts, The 7th Voyage of Simbad and of course Clash of The Titans were the peak of fantastic high adventure in my earlier days. A look at the list of top talents he has inspired over the years, from Steven Spielberg to John Lasseter, is truly a testimony to his greatness. And his humble lifestyle is a great example for me.

I have a lot going on but sadly I am not permitted to post a lot of the stuff I'm working on yet. But I did do some development art for an installation for a bank wall late last year.